»Odvetnik naj stalno izpopolnjuje svoje strokovno znanje ter skrbi za svojo splošno izobraženost in razgledanost.«

14. člen Kodeksa odvetniške poklicne etike

Še nekaj misli o poslanstvu Odvetniške akademije OZS

Odvetnik naj se odlikuje po odličnem strokovnem znanju, široki splošni razgledanosti ter kulturnosti v najširšem pomenu besede, ki jih deli s svojimi kolegi odvetniki ter širi naprej na mlajše generacije, odvetniške kandidate in pripravnike.

V Odvetniški akademiji OZS si z vso pozornostjo in avtonomijo prizadevamo zgraditi prepoznaven izpopolnjevalni sistem. Naš cilj je vzpostavitev fleksibilnega izobraževalnega sistema po meri odvetnikov in naravnanega k ažurnemu spremljanju tako zakonodaje, ki se spreminja, kot tudi sodne prakse ter vsakodnevnih profesionalnih potreb odvetnikov vseh generacij. Prizadevamo si, da bi bile zastopane različne veje prava in zagotovljena temeljna ter specialistična znanja, ki jih posredujejo najboljši predavatelji (domači in tuji) tako iz akademske sfere kot tudi iz sodnih vrst ter seveda drugih poklicev. 

Kar nas odvetnike dela razpoznavne, unikatne in  nepogrešljive, pa je dejstvo, da naše znanje in tudi naša deontologija temeljita na spoštovanju vsakogar, naj je to naša stranka ali drug odvetnik, nasprotnik, morda celo sovražnik. Naša naloga je, da ga spoštujemo in prepričamo, ne premagamo. Prepričamo in zmagujemo pa lahko zgolj z znanjem, ki ga gradimo vsak dan posebej. In to je naloga in dolžnost Odvetniške akademije OZS. To naj bo tudi naša kultura, ki jo bomo negovali in nadgrajevali.

Tako gremo naprej, novim horizontom naproti, v službi pravne države.  

Alenka Košorok Humar

direktorica Odvetniške akademije OZS in podpredsednica OZS

“The attorney shall permanently engage in his or her expert advance studies and shall mind his or her general education and broad knowledge.”

Article 14 of the Code of Professional Conduct of the Bar Association of Slovenia

Some further reflections on the mission of the Bar Academy of the Bar Association of Slovenia

Attorneys should be distinguished for their proficient professional knowledge, broad general knowledge and education in the broadest sense of the word they share with their fellow attorneys and pass on to younger generations, lawyer candidates and trainees.

Within the Bar Academy, we strive to build a recognisable training system with full autonomy. Our goal is to set up a flexible, tailor-made training system for attorneys, customised to the up-to-date monitoring of the developing legislation, as well as the case law and everyday professional needs of attorneys across the generations. We strive to have different branches of law represented and to provide the basic and specialist knowledge delivered by the best lecturers (domestic and foreign) – from the academic sphere, the judicial system and, of course, other professions.

Our attorneys are recognisable, unique and indispensable by the fact that our knowledge and our deontology are based on respect for everyone, our client or a fellow attorney, opponent, perhaps even an enemy. Our task is to respect and persuade them, not win. However, we can only persuade and win with the knowledge we build every day. And this is the task and duty of the Bar Academy of the Bar Association of Slovenia. This should also be our culture, which we will nurture and continuously improve.

This is the way forward, towards the new horizons, in the service of the rule of law.  

Alenka Košorok Humar

Director of the Bar Academy and Vice President of the Bar

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